
The Response page in the incident detail displays the playbook that can be used to assist in identifying, containing, and eradicating the threat, and then restoring systems to recover from the threat. Workflows are available for execution to automate some of the response tasks; notes are available to document your findings throughout the incident response process.

The name of the playbook that is assigned to the incident and the date it was published is displayed above the tasks.

Response Tasks

Note: You can manage the playbooks that are assigned to incidents from the Playbooks feature in Administration (Administration > Playbooks). For more information, see Playbooks.

It is recommended that you go through each incident response process in the order presented to make sure you have performed all the recommended tasks.

By default, the tasks with a Not applicable status are hidden in the list of response tasks. To view all the tasks, including the Not applicable tasks, click the Hide Not applicable tasks toggle to off.