Cisco Meraki Integration

Cisco Meraki provides cloud-managed IT solutions, from networking appliances to endpoint management, and allows you to expand globally by deploying networks quickly via simple configuration and meet the changing demands of your business without compromising reliability or security. When you integrate Meraki with Cisco XDR, you will get enhanced network detections using Meraki telemetry, enriched endpoint details, and incidents published in the Cisco XDR portal and Meraki dashboard.

Cisco XDR ingests IPFIX netflow records and Meraki meta data, including organization, network, and node serial number. This data is then used for detection analytics and correlation to create incidents.

For an overview of the integration and configuration steps, view the click-through Cisco XDR and Meraki MX Demo.

Note: If you have configured the Cisco Meraki integration with Cisco XDR, you should not install Cisco Telemetry Broker or an ONA sensor to avoid duplicate observations and alerts.