
Note: Only users with an Administrator role can view Clients.

The Clients page provides an overview of the Secure Client devices in your organization.

Choose Client Management > Clients in the navigation menu view the Secure Client devices table and charts.

The table lists all the Secure Client devices in your organization along with their data. Above the table header are:

  • the total number of devices found.
  • the number of devices selected.

    Note: The header row check box will select all devices on the current page.

  • Move to Deployment - click to move selected devices to a specific deployment. For more information, see Move to Deployment.
  • Create New Deployment - click to open the Deployments page. From this page, Admin users can define a list of all packages and related profiles that must be installed on all computers in a specific deployment within an organization. For more information, see the Deployments help topic.
  • Export to CSV - click to download the table to a spreadsheet file, only includes the devices and data in the current table, and if applicable, rows in additional table pages.

Each device includes a (Pivot Menu) icon that enables you to take action on it. You can perform some actions directly in the Pivot menu or pivot to the integrated product to perform additional actions.