View the Runs page to inspect previous executions of workflows and atomics in your environment.
- Use the Workflow Runs Over Time and System Monitor widgets to view the status of all of the runs.
- Search and filter the runs, delete single or multiple runs, and pause or resume a workflow while it is running.
By default, run data for parent workflows is retained for 90 days. Optionally, you can purchase an additional data retention period of 180 or 365 days. However, run data for any nested activities such as atomics and sub-workflows is retained for only 30 days. These limits are currently in place to optimize system performance.

The Workflow Runs Over Time widget shows the daily run volume for all of your workflows within the chosen date range. Click the date range drop-down to choose a date range from 24 hours to 30 days. Each dot in the graph represents the runs for a single day. Hover the mouse over each data point in the graph to see the number of runs for that day.

When you first access the Runs page, no workflow runs are displayed in the runs list. You must search for the workflows or click through a status in the System Monitor widget to display them on the page.
Enter a full or partial Workflow Name in the Type to search workflows text box.
Check the check boxes next to the workflow names to display the workflow executions in the Runs List on the right.
After you check a workflow, you can click in the Type to search workflows text box and type the full or partial names of additional workflows to add them to the results.

Click Last Run Status and check the check boxes next to the statuses of the runs you want to view.

- Created - The workflow was successfully created and validated but has not yet run.
- Running - The workflow is currently in a running state but has not yet completed.
- Waiting for Event - The workflow is currently waiting for an event or user input to continue.
- Paused - A currently running workflow has been paused by the user.
- Success - The workflow completed successfully.
- Canceled - The workflow was manually canceled while it was running.
- Failed - The run did not complete successfully.

To save a filter, click Save in the Workflow Runs panel, enter a name for the filter in the Save New Filter dialog box, and click Save. The new filter is listed in the Saved Filters area.
When you leave and return to the Runs page, you can check the check box next to the saved filter to display the filtered runs.
To delete a saved filter, click the (Delete) icon on the right and then click Delete in the Confirm Delete dialog box to confirm the deletion.