
You can have global variables that are available to all of your workflows or define variables within a workflow. Variables can be used to store data between workflow executions or to share data between different workflows. Variables can be used to store and pass information between activities in a workflow.

You can view and create global variables from the Variables page.

Variables Page

  • For security reasons, the total number of variables in a workflow across all variable types is limited to 100. If a user attempts to increase the number of variables past the maximum value of 100, Automation will return the following error: Workflow %v variables count exceeded limit: %v.

  • The variable size for all variable types (Global, Environment, Local, Static, Input, and Table Type variables) is limited to 1 MB. If a user attempts to create a variable with a size greater than 1 MB, Automation will return the following error: variable size limit reached: size must be <= %v, but got %v.

  • As of October 4, 2023, the size of the Large String workflow variable type is limited to 10 MB.