Terminal Endpoint Target

Automation includes the functionality to execute commands, scripts, and session-based activities against a system or network device using Secure Shell (SSH) or Telnet.

Terminal Endpoint targets require Terminal Key-Based Credentials or Terminal Password-Based Credentials account keys and are used with Terminal workflow activities.

Creating Terminal Endpoint Targets

Perform the following steps to create the target:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Targets.
  2. Click New Target.
  3. From the Target Type drop-down list, choose Terminal Endpoint.
  4. Enter a unique display name for the target in the Display Name field and a brief description in the Description field.
  5. In the Account Keys area, choose an existing account key or choose Add New to add a new account key from the Default Account Keys drop-down list. For more information, see the Terminal Key-Based Credentials or Terminal Password-Based Credentials Help topics.
  6. If your target uses the Automation Remote virtual appliance, in the Remote section, click the drop-down menu and choose existing Remote Keys or click Add New to configure a new Remote Key. For more information, see the Remote Configuration Help topic.
  7. In the Connection Settings area, specify the following:
    • Protocol - Choose the protocol from the drop-down list (SSH).
    • Host/IP Address - Enter the hostname or IP address of the target network device.
    • Port - Enter the port number used to access the terminal on the device. The default port for SSH is 22.
  8. In the Terminal Interaction Patterns (regex) area, specify the following:
    • Prompt - Enter the system prompt pattern in regular expression (regex) format.
    • Additional Succeeded Prompts (Admin Prompt, etc.) - Click Add to add additional system prompt patterns in regular expression format.
    • User Responses - Use these fields to automate responses where the terminal server expects input from the user. Specify the following information or click the Variable Reference icon to choose a variable:
      • Expect (regex) - Use this field to match the text in the terminal output that requires a User Response.
      • User Response - Use this field to provide a response to the Expect text and continue execution.
  9. Click Submit to add and save the target.