Terminal Password-Based Credentials
Automation includes the functionality to execute commands, scripts, and session-based activities against a system or network device using Secure Shell (SSH) or Telnet.
Use Terminal Password-Based Credentials account keys with Terminal, Terraform, and Unix/Linux System workflow activities and Terminal Endpoint, Terraform Endpoint, and Unix/Linux Endpoint targets.
Complete the following steps to create a new Terminal Password-Based Credentials account key:
- In the left navigation menu, click Account Keys.
- Click New Account Key.
- From the Account Key Type drop-down list, choose Terminal Password-Based Credentials.
- Enter a unique display name for the account key in the Display Name field and a brief description in the Description field.
- In the Terminal area, specify the following:
- User name - Enter the Terminal username.
- Password - Enter the password associated with the username. Click the eye icon to display or hide the characters.
- Click Submit.