Ansible Tower Endpoint Target

Ansible Tower (formerly AWX) allows you to manage access control, including sharing of SSH credentials without someone being able to transfer those credentials. Inventory can be graphically managed or synced with a wide variety of cloud sources. It logs all of your jobs, integrates well with LDAP, and has a browsable REST API.

Ansible Tower Endpoint targets require Ansible Tower OAuth Credentials account keys and are used with Ansible Tower workflow activities.

Creating Ansible Tower Endpoint Targets

Perform the following steps to create a new target:

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Targets.

  2. Click New Target.

  3. From the Target Type drop-down list, choose Ansible Tower Endpoint.

  4. Enter a unique display name for the target in the Display Name field and a brief description in the Description field.

  5. In the Account Keys area, click the Default Account Keys drop-down list and choose an existing account key or choose Add New to create a new account key. For more information on creating an Ansible Tower account key, see the Ansible Tower OAuth Credentials Help topic.

  6. In the Ansible Tower area, enter the following information:

    • Protocol - Choose the appropriate protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
    • Host/IP Address - Enter the host name or IP address for the Ansible Tower endpoint.
    • Port - Enter the Ansible Tower port number.
    • Disable Server Certificate Validation - Check the check box to disable the server certification validation on the Ansible Tower endpoint.
  7. In the Proxy area, you can enter the URL, Username, and Password for your proxy server.

    The Proxy Bypass List allows you to provide a list of hosts to exclude from the proxy. Click the Ignore Proxy toggle to display or hide the proxy settings.

  8. Click Submit to save the target.