Schedule Rule
Schedules define the times and frequency that workflows should run. You can specify start time, interval between runs, and number of times per day to run workflows.
When combined with calendars, schedules allow you to execute workflows automatically on pre-defined days and times. A calendar defines a collection of days and a schedule defines the frequency within a given day. For example, a calendar would specify that a workflow runs every Thursday, and the schedule would specify that the workflow runs every hour.
Note: Only a schedule can be used as a trigger. You cannot use a calendar to trigger a workflow on its own, it must be part of a schedule.
Create New Schedule Rule
Perform the following steps to create a new Schedule rule:
In the General section, enter the following information:
Type - Schedule Rule
Title - A unique display name for the rule.
Description - Text that describes the rule, such as what it will trigger.
The toggle is switched to on by default, so when left on, the rule is enabled and the workflow can be executed. If you want to create the rule but prevent it from triggering your workflow to run, switch the Automation rule is on toggle off to disable the rule. This is useful for testing and debugging purposes.
In the Schedule section, click the Calendar drop-down list and choose the calendar you want the schedule to use, or click Add New to open the New Calendar dialog box and configure a new calendar. For information on how to configure calendars, see the Calendars Help topic.
Select a Timezone. The schedule will run relative to this timezone. The default is UTC.
Provide the Start Time, enter or use the arrows to set the Number of runs per day, and the Time Interval (Run Every). See Schedule Samples for example schedules.
Configure a workflow to associate with this rule.
In the Apply to selected workflows section, click the Select workflow drop-down and select a valid workflow or enter its name.
Only a non-atomic workflow can be associated to the rule directly; custom and system atomic workflows cannot.
The most relevant workflows to this type of rule are shown starting at the top of the drop-down list.
Out-of-box XDR system workflows are prefixed with a Cisco icon.
Depending on the workflow, enter the parameter data as needed. If the workflow has input variables, you can click the variable browser icon and select event input/output variables, which enable you to provide trigger-related values to the input variables as a reference.
To delete a workflow, click the
(Trash Can) icon next to it.
By default, the workflow is on and enabled. To disable it, click the toggle switch to off.
To include additional workflows, click Add another workflow.
Multiple workflows will be executed in parallel, not sequentially.
To delete a workflow, click the
(Trash Can) icon next to it.
If you delete a workflow from here, the actual workflow itself does not get deleted, only its association with this rule is removed. In the workflow's properties, this rule would no longer appear as a trigger.
Click Save, and a trigger for this rule is automatically added to the associated workflow (see Workflow Properties).
Note: If the start time for a schedule has already passed, it may not run until that start time occurs again. So, if you schedule a workflow to start at midnight and then run every hour, it may not start running until the next midnight has passed. To start a workflow running on a schedule immediately, start the workflow at a time closer to the current time.