
Note: Only users with an Administrator role can sync, add, and delete sources.

This feature pulls device and user data from the modules you have integrated with Cisco XDR. These data sources can be device managers and security products from Cisco and third-parties.

Choose Assets > Sources in the navigation menu to open the Sources page.

Within each source panel:

  • You can click Sync to start a sync job on-demand.
  • You can see the status of each source, current sync errors, and the performance history - there’s a drop-down to select the time period being shown.
  • Sync Data shows how the number of synchronized objects has changed over time.
  • Performance shows how much time it took to synchronize a specific number of records. Hover over the bar to see the details, including the number of records retrieved and the duration of the sync. A taller bar indicates that more records were synchronized over a smaller amount of time.
  • If it’s a custom source, you can upload to, update, or remove it.
  • Click the (Settings) icon in the upper-right corner of the panel to:
    • adjust when and how often Cisco XDR syncs with this source
    • register or remove a webhook to this source

Don’t see a source you added? You may need to add your region’s IROH proxy IP addresses to your firewall’s access list in order to allow API connections between your sources and Cisco XDR:

  • North America:,,
  • European Union:,,
  • Asia Pacific, Japan, China:,,