Saved Investigations

You can save an investigation to keep a record for yourself and to share with others. Saved investigations can also provide evidence to justify a course of action. When saving an investigation, the investigation is assigned a unique identifier for subsequent retrieval and analysis.

The Saved Investigations panel on the Investigate page provides a list of the investigations that have been saved in your organization (they are not private to individual users). Click View All in the lower left corner of the panel to open the Saved Investigations page to view the complete list.

Saved Investigations

The table displays the following information:

Column Name



The user-specified name of the saved investigation. Click the Name to open the saved investigation on the Investigation Results page.


The user-specified description of the saved investigation.


Date and time for when the investigation was saved or updated.

Created By

The user name of who created the saved investigation.

Options Menu

Click the (Ellipsis) icon to open the Options menu and choose to Download JSON or Delete the saved investigation.

You can specify the number of rows to be displayed on the page in the table footer.