
The Editor tab on the Playbooks page is displayed by default and shows the custom playbooks that have been created for your organization. You use this page to manage and customize playbooks used by your organization.

The table on the Editor page displays the name of the playbook, description, who authored it, the date and time the playbook was last published, and actions that can be taken. One playbook must always be assigned as the default, which is assigned to new incidents when no other playbook is assigned through an automation rule.



When you initially open the Editor page, only the Cisco Managed Incident Playbook is displayed. This playbook is currently assigned to all new incidents. The Cisco Managed Incident Playbook cannot be edited or deleted; you can only edit or delete a duplicate copy of this playbook.

The Cisco Managed Incident Playbook is based on best practice for incident response processes, as described by the SANS Institute. It aligns to the NIST 800-61r2 model format (Preparation, Detection and Analysis, Containment, Eradication, Recovery, and Post-incident) produced by SANS Cybersecurity Training Organization. Preparation and Lessons Learned (Post-incident) have been intentionally removed from this playbook. Preparation defines the tasks that should be done prior to instituting a response process. Lessons Learned is directly related to Preparation, as the activities from Lessons Learned should be implemented into preventative and protection strategies.

From the Editor page, you can perform the following tasks: