HTTP Endpoint Target
An HTTP endpoint is the URL for a server or service that responds to HTTP requests.
HTTP Endpoint Targets require HTTP Basic Authentication, HTTP Client Certificate Authentication, or HTTP Signature-Based Authentication account keys and are used with File Operations and Web Service workflow activities.
Creating HTTP Endpoint Targets
Perform the following steps to create the target:
In the left navigation menu, click Targets.
Click New Target.
From the Target Type drop-down list, choose HTTP Endpoint.
Enter a unique display name for the target in the Display Name field and a brief description in the Description field.
In the Account Keys area, choose an existing account key or choose Add New to add a new account key from the Default Account Keys drop-down list. For more information, see the HTTP Basic Authentication, HTTP Client Certificate Authentication, or HTTP Signature Authentication Help topics.
If your target uses the Automation Remote virtual appliance, in the Remote section, click the drop-down menu and choose existing Remote Keys or click Add New to configure a new Remote Key. For more information, see the Remote Configuration Help topic.
In the HTTP area, specify the following:
- Protocol - Choose the appropriate protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
- Host/IP Address - Enter the host name or IP address for the HTTP Endpoint.
- Port - Enter the HTTP port number. The default port is 9092.
- Path - Enter the HTTP path.
- Disable Server Certificate Validation - Check the check box to disable the server certification validation on the HTTP Endpoint.
In the Proxy area, you can enter the following for your proxy server:
Proxy URL - Should be entered in the following format: protocol://proxy-server-host:port (only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are currently supported)
Proxy Username
Proxy Password
Proxy Bypass List - Provide a comma-separated list of hosts to exclude from the proxy. Each value is represented by an IP address prefix (, an IP address prefix in CIDR notation (, a domain name, or a special DNS label (*). An IP address prefix and domain name can also include a literal port number ( A domain name matches that name and all subdomains. A domain name with a leading '.' matches subdomains only. For example, '' matches '' and '' whereas '' matches '' but not ''. A single asterisk (*) indicates that no proxying should be done.
Ignore Proxy - Click the toggle to display or hide the proxy settings.
Note: Proxy settings provided in this section will override suite admin proxy settings if they were set. -
Click Submit to add and save the target.