Execute Linux/Unix SSH Script

Use the Execute Unix/Linux SSH Script activity to execute the specified SSH command on the target. To run this activity, SFTP must be configured on the target.


Complete the following properties to use this activity:

  • Unix/Linux - Specify the following information or click the Variable Reference icon to choose a variable:
    • Local Working Directory on Target - Enter the path to the local working directory on the SSH server where the script will be executed.

    • Script Arguments - Click Add to enter the collection of argument values for the script.

      The following is an example of a script containing four arguments.
      Script to Execute
      #! /bin/csh
      echo ${0}
      echo “Number of arguments is $#argv”
      echo $2
      echo $argv[2-3]
      echo $argv[$]
      Script Arguments
      % argex.csh “hello world” 42 3.14159 “(300:400,~100)”
      Script Output
      Number of arguments is 4
      42 3.14159
    • Script to Execute on Target - Enter the actual script code to use to execute in the specified local working directory.

    • Expects (regex) - click Add to enter the regex character in the Failed (Completed) field.