Create Prompt Task
Use the Create Prompt activity to prompt the user for information or complete a task separate from approval during the execution of the workflow. The workflow will pause and wait for the user to respond or resume after the prompt expires.
Creating a prompt task will notify (through the Notifications icon in the XDR ribbon) the assignee(s) or user who started the workflow that they have a prompt to review before the workflow will continue. A link is provided in the notification and worklog entry to review the task and input the requested information.
Complete the following properties to use this activity:
- General
- Display Name - Enter a display name for the activity. This name is what's displayed for the activity in the Workflow Editor.
- Description - Enter a meaningful description.
- Continue Workflow Execution On Failure - Check this check box to continue the workflow if this activity fails (optional).
- Skip activity execution - Check this check box to bypass running the activity during the workflow execution (optional).
- Add Assignees
- By default, the assignee is the user who executes the workflow, unless specified differently below:
- Add by role(s) - You can select that all administrators and/or incident responders in your organization will be prompted.
- Add by email address(es) - Click ADD and enter the email address of individuals who will be prompted with this task.
- What do you want the prompt to say?
- Prompt Title - Enter a title for the prompt. This will become the name displayed in the prompt tasks table.
- Prompt Body Text - Enter the text to be displayed in the body of the prompt.
- Add Form Elements - For a Checkbox form element where the user may check the box:
- Checkbox Label - Enter a label for this check box.
- Add Form Elements
- For a Text form element where the user must enter some text:
- Text Label - Enter the text.
- Add Form Elements
- For a Dropdown Select form element where the user must select from a drop-down list:
- Allow multi-select - Set whether or not the user can select more than one option in the list.
- Dropdown Select Label - Enter a label to name this drop-down list.
- Dropdown Select Options Array - Click the Variable Reference icon to choose the array of options to select from in the list.
- Dropdown Option Label Key - If an object type array is chosen above, this field appears for you to choose the key of the key-value pair.
- Advanced Configuration - Show advanced configuration options:
- Prompt Requestor - Enter the email address of the person or variable reference requesting the prompt for information.
- Prompt Owner - Enter the email address of the person or variable reference who owns the request (often the same as the requestor).
- Set Prompt Expiration Date
- Duration - Enter the amount of time that elapses before the prompt expires (how much time the assignee is given to answer).
- Time Units - Choose what unit the time is measured in.