Delete Security Group Rules

Use the Delete Security Group Rules activity to delete security group rules for the specified security group.


Complete the following properties to use this activity:

  • Security Group - Specify the following information or click the Variable Reference icon to choose a variable:
    • Group ID - Enter the security group ID.
    • Inbound Rules - Click Add and specify the following information:
      • IP Protocol - Choose the IP protocol from the drop-down list, such as Custom TCP, Custom UDP, or Custom ICMP.
      • From Port - Enter the from port number for the port range.
      • To Port - Enter the to port number for the port range.
      • CIDR Block IP4 - Enter the IPv4 CIDR block as the source.
    • Outbound Rules - Click Add and specify the following information:
      • IP Protocol - Choose the IP protocol from the drop-down list, such as Custom TCP, Custom UDP, or Custom ICMP.
      • From Port - Enter the from port number for the port range.
      • To Port - Enter the go port number for the port range.
      • CIDR Block IP4 - Enter the IPv4 CIDR block as the destination.