Ansible Tower Get Job Info
Use the Ansible Tower Get Job Info activity to retrieve information about a specific Job ID (the Job Host Summary). The information retrieved includes but is not limited to the following fields:
- id - The Database ID for this Job Host Summary
- type - The data type for this Job Host Summary
- URL - The URL for this Job Host Summary
- related - The data structure with URLs of related resources
- summary_fields - The data structure with the name/description for related resources
- created - The timestamp for when this Job Host Summary was created
- modified - The timestamp for when this Job Host Summary was last modified
- job - The Job ID associated with this Job Host Summary
- host - The ID associated with the host
- host_name - The hostname associated with the job
Complete the following properties to use this activity:
- Ansible Tower - Specify the following information or click the Variable Reference icon to choose a variable:
- Job ID - Enter the Job ID you want to retrieve information for.