API Clients

Note: Only users with an Administrator role can add and manage API clients.

The API Clients page allows you to view and manage the clients you have configured for integration with Cisco XDR.

Cisco XDR is built upon a collection of APIs which can be used to integrate your Cisco and third-party security products, automate the incident response process, and manage threat intelligence and security context data in a single location. For information on using the Cisco XDR APIs, see the interactive Cisco XDR API Documentation on Cisco Developer.

You can generate credentials to access the APIs programmatically for the following types of clients:

  • API Client Credentials - (Client Credentials Grant Client) are specific to the user, and you do not need to own a website.

  • OAuth Code Client Credentials - (Authorization Code Grant Client) are used to ask other users to trust your application, and you need a website to host your application.

    OAuth Code Client credentials are often used by Cisco to integrate on-premises devices or by advanced users who are building an integration with Cisco XDR.

    API Clients